8 Not-So-Cute Reasons Why Your Dog Nuzzles Their Face On You


As dog owners, we’ve all experienced the moment when our furry friend comes up and rubs their face on us. It’s a sweet and affectionate gesture that we often interpret as a sign of love, but have you ever wondered why dogs do this? In this article, we’ll explore the 8 interesting reasons why dogs rub their face on us, from displaying affection and marking their territory to trying to communicate something and seeking comfort. So, let’s dive in and discover the fascinating world of dog behavior.

8 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes To Rub Their Face On You

Displaying Affection

One of the most common reasons why dogs rub their face on their owners is to show affection. This behavior is often accompanied by licking, tail wagging, and other affectionate gestures. When a dog rubs their face on you, they are essentially saying “I love you” in their own way. This behavior is especially common in dogs that have a close bond with their owners.

Marking Their Territory

As highly territorial creatures, dogs leave their scent by urinating, pooping or rubbing their face on objects or people as a way for them to mark their territory. By leaving their scent on their owners, dogs are communicating to other animals that their owners belong to them. This behavior is more common in dogs who have a strong attachment to their owners and may feel the need to protect them. It could also be a sign of possessiveness and jealousy, which is something that dog owners should be aware of and address accordingly. 

Read more: Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other’s Butts? 


Fleas, mites and ticks are the usual suspects as to why your dog keeps rubbing its face or rubbing its body against any objects. These parasites often hide in areas such as behind the ears, near the muzzle, and around the neck causing your dog to itch, scratch, or rub their face. 

Since dogs tend to spend a lot of time with their noses on the ground, this is a common cause of rubbing against objects. If you suspect that parasites might be the culprit, you can examine your dog’s face by separating the fur to reveal the skin. Also, another common cause would be ticks hiding in the ear which might aggravate your dog to rub its face against an object in an attempt to scratch the itch or get it out of its ear.

Eye irritation 

Your dog’s eye may become itchy or painful due to various reasons such as the presence of foreign material in the eye, a scratch or ulcer on the cornea, or environmental allergies resulting in dry eyes. Such discomfort can prompt a dog to rub its face and eyes, and they may paw at or hold the affected eye shut. If you notice your dog’s eye is teary, or is pawing at his eyes repeatedly or rubbing his face then it is a tell tale sign that your dog’s eye is infected and requires some medical attention.

Dental infection 

Dental problems are so common in canines that Cornell University reported that 80-90% of dogs above the age of 3 suffer from some form of periodontal disease. In an effort to relieve the pain, your dog may rub their face onto an object or exhibit other symptoms like bad breath, eating on one side of the mouth, bloody saliva or even make “wailing” sounds. 


Certain dogs may develop allergic reactions that induce itchiness and cause them to rub their faces. Skin inflammation can cause itchy skin or eyes, prompting dogs to rub their faces to alleviate the irritation. These allergies may be caused by food or treats consumed by the dog or environmental allergens such as dust mites, grasses, or pollen.

These allergens can be present throughout the year or only during specific seasons. Common signs of allergies include: swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps, hives, sneezing, itchy ears, inflamed skin. Monitor your dog to check if he has an allergy that needs attention. 

Cleaning up

Maybe sometimes the reason can be as simple as your dog is trying to rub dirt off his face. Perhaps after spending some time outside or after a meal he is trying to clean himself up by rubbing away the dirt he feels on his face and body. 

Read more: Why Do Dogs Roll In Poop? 

Enjoying the Sensation

Rubbing their face on something can feel good for dogs, just like scratching an itch feels good for humans. When a dog rubs their face on you, they may simply be enjoying the sensation and the physical contact with their favorite human.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal for my dog to rub their face on the ground after eating?

Yes, it is normal for dogs to rub their faces on the ground after eating. This behavior is believed to be a way for dogs to clean their mouths and whiskers.

Why does my dog rub his face on me when he’s excited?

When dogs are excited, they may rub their faces on their owners as a way of showing affection and seeking attention. This behavior can also be a way for dogs to transfer their scent onto their owners.

My dog keeps rubbing his face on the furniture. Is this a sign of a problem?

It could be a sign of a problem if your dog is rubbing his face excessively or aggressively on furniture. It may indicate an underlying medical condition or behavioral issue, such as anxiety or stress.

Why does my dog rub his face on the carpet after a bath?

Some dogs may rub their faces on the carpet after a bath as a way of drying their fur or to remove any water or soap residue from their face. This behavior is generally not a cause for concern, as long as it is not excessive or aggressive .

Why do dogs rub their faces on grass?

Dogs may rub their faces on grass to relieve itchiness or discomfort caused by allergies, external parasites, or eye irritations. The grass’s texture may provide a soothing sensation for their face.