Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butt– Should I Be Worried?


Dogs are remarkable creatures with a wide range of behaviors that can leave us both amazed and perplexed. Among these behaviors, one of the most puzzling behavior is their tendency to lick everything, be it licking your face or licking the floor, or licking your feet and in this case– their own butt. While this action might seem bizarre or even unsavory to us humans, there are legitimate reasons behind this behavior rooted in a dog’s instinct, biology, and communication. In this article, we’ll dive deep into this odd behavior and explore the reasons behind it and addressing common concerns. 

1. Maintain Hygiene and Grooming

Even if it does not seem like it from the outside, dogs are meticulous when it comes to cleanliness (in their own way), and licking their butt plays a crucial role in their grooming routine. By licking their private parts,  this helps to remove any residual waste or debris that may have accumulated. Many people do not know about this but their tongues act as natural cleaning tools, helping them to keep the area clean and free from potential infections or irritations. While it may seem unappealing to us, licking their bottoms is essential for their overall hygiene.

2. Express Impacted Anal GLands

Impacted Anal Glands

Now, you might be wondering, what on earth are anal glands? Well, these little sacs, located near your pup’s rectum, contain a pungent, foul smelling liquid that is unique to each individual dog. Think of it as their personal signature scent. By licking their butt, dogs are essentially squeezing out the contents of these glands, leaving behind their distinctive odor. For dogs, scent plays a vital role in conveying messages to other furry pals.

When the anal glands become impacted, it means that the secretions are not able to be released properly. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including poor muscle tone around the anal area, soft stools, or an abnormal thickening of the secretions. As a result, the gland can become swollen and even uncomfortable for the dog.

Unfortunately, impacted anal glands can cause discomfort for our fur kid, and they would usually scoot or lick their bum to find a temporary self-soothing relief. In an effort to relieve the discomfort, they lick to apply moisture and to try to stimulate the release of the blocked secretions. While it may seem a bit peculiar to us humans, it’s their instinctive way of finding some comfort. 

In fact, a research study done by the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, found about 9% of dogs experience anal gland impact at some point in their lives. So, if your fur kid is constantly licking their butt, it might be a sign that something is amiss, and a trip to the vet might be in order.

3. Alleviate Discomfort and Itching

Excessive licking of the butt may also indicate discomfort or itching in the anal region. Allergies, intestinal parasites, infections, or anal gland problems can cause such discomfort. Licking provides temporary relief and helps soothe the irritation. Allergies can manifest in various ways, including itchiness and skin irritation, which may lead to increased licking behavior.

In an online study conducted by the researchers at the University of Nottingham’s (UN) School of Veterinary Medicine in 2017, it was found that allergies affect about 10% of dogs. Interestingly, researchers also found that dogs with allergic dermatitis, a common skin condition caused by allergies, were more likely to display behaviors like biting, chewing, and excessive licking. 

The study also revealed a correlation between the severity of the skin allergies and the intensity of the problem behaviors. Dogs with more severe skin allergies were more prone to exhibiting behavioral issues. So, who knows? Perhaps it was that annoying skin allergy that has been causing your pup’s bad behavior all along. 

4. Stimulate Bowel Movements

Believe it or not, dogs lick their butt to stimulate bowel movements. Licking helps trigger muscle contractions in the intestines, facilitating the passage of feces which aids in maintaining regular bowel movements and overall digestive health. So, the next time you witness your fur kid engaging in this act, remember that they are following their canine instincts to take care of their digestive health. 

Read more: Why Do Dogs Eat Poop? 

5. Natural Instincts and Grooming Behavior

Dogs have a rich ancestral history that influences their behaviors even today. When it comes to licking their butt, this behavior is deeply rooted in their inherited instincts and grooming behavior.

In the wild, canids like wolves engage in grooming behaviors as a means of maintaining hygiene and social bonding within their pack. This instinctual behavior has been passed down through generations and is still seen in our domesticated dogs.

Self-grooming is a crucial aspect of a dog’s daily routine. Just as we brush our hair or wash our faces, dogs have their own way of keeping themselves clean and tidy. Licking their butt is one component of their grooming regimen, ensuring that they stay fresh and free from any dirt or debris that may have accumulated in that area.

Grooming behaviors serve various purposes for dogs. Firstly, it helps to remove any potential irritants, such as dirt, fecal matter, or foreign objects, that may have come into contact with their anal region. By licking, they can eliminate these substances and maintain a clean and healthy area. 

Read more: Why Dogs Lick Each Other’s Ears? 

Next time, when you observe your dog engaging in the act of licking their butt, it’s important to understand that it’s not just about hygiene. It’s a behavior deeply ingrained in their nature, reflecting their instinctual need to groom themselves and overall well-being. 

Is It Normal for Dogs to Lick Their Butt? 

Yes, it is normal for dogs to lick their butt. Dogs engage in this behavior for various reasons, including hygiene maintenance, expressing their anal glands, and grooming themselves. Licking helps them keep the area clean from waste, eliminate odors, and communicate with other dogs through scent marking. 

Why Does My Dog Keep Licking Its Bum And It Smells Fishy? 

One possible culprit could be anal gland issues. Dogs have anal glands near their rectum that can become impacted or infected, causing discomfort and a distinct fishy smell. Excessive licking is their way of seeking relief from the irritation which is something that you should notice  should you suspect your dog of licking its butt too excessively. 

Another potential cause could be dietary factors. Certain ingredients in your dog’s food can also lead to an imbalance in the anal gland secretions, resulting in the fishy odor. Evaluating their diet and consulting with a vet can help address this issue.

In some cases, a fishy smell might indicate an infection or a skin condition. Bacterial or yeast infections can lead to an unpleasant odor, and your dog may lick to alleviate the discomfort.

Go for a consultation visit with your veterinarian to ensure that there are no major underlying health conditions triggering such a fishy odorous smell in your dog’s butt. 

When Should I Be Concerned?

As pet owners, it’s natural to worry about our fur kid’s well-being. But when should you be genuinely concerned about your dog’s health? Here are some red flags that warrant attention.

Red Flags (When To Worry): 

  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea, especially accompanied by lethargy or loss of appetite, may signal a more serious underlying issue that requires veterinary attention.
  • Excessive thirst, frequent urination, or sudden changes in weight could be signs of diabetes, kidney problems, or other metabolic disorders that require proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Unusual breathing patterns, such as heavy panting, labored breathing, or coughing, might indicate respiratory problems or even heatstroke, necessitating immediate evaluation
  • Lumps, bumps, or sores that don’t heal within a reasonable timeframe should be examined by a veterinarian to rule out skin infections, allergies, or potentially more serious conditions like tumors.
  • Significant behavioral changes, like sudden aggression, anxiety, or withdrawal, could be red flags for underlying pain, anxiety disorders, or neurological conditions that merit professional assessment.

3 Simple Home Remedies To Prevent Dog From Licking Butt

While it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian for underlying health issues, there are a few home remedies that can provide temporary relief. Let’s explore three effective remedies that are safe and easy to implement.

  1. Epsom Salt: Prepare a warm water solution with Epsom salt and soak a clean cloth or cotton pad in it. Gently apply the soaked cloth to your dog’s anal area for a few minutes. Epsom salt has been used for centuries to treat ailments and help soothe irritation and reduce discomfort.
  2. Witch Hazel: Dilute witch hazel with an equal amount of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. After cleaning your dog’s anal area with mild soap and water, spray the diluted witch hazel onto the affected area. Witch hazel has a cooling effect and can help alleviate itching and inflammation.
  3. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil possesses natural antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Apply a small amount of organic, unrefined coconut oil to your dog’s anal area. This can provide relief from itching and promote healing of irritated skin.

While these remedies can offer temporary relief, it’s important to address the underlying cause of the excessive licking.

Remember, these home remedies should not replace professional veterinary advice. They can be used in conjunction with proper medical care to provide comfort for your fur baby while addressing the root cause of the problem.